Monday, July 27, 2009

Moving Forward & International Relations

Another great meeting with Alan over iChat. We talked about where the company is going, and who they are teaming up with. I was assured by the things that he told me, that this company means real business and is going to make tsunami sized waves in the near future.

I shared with him some of the first reactions to interface of the lobby, and some of the ways it worked. Some of my ideas were ones they had thought of already & were working on, while others were new to him and I was happy to bring them up. I also shared some more marketing ideas, along with some more viral ways of getting the word out about eJamming and JamCast.

A great side note that I am excited to share, if I can get the software working without a hitch over at Michael's (my lead singer) studio, then both Michael and I will play live with eJamming's Japanese project manager Yoshitaka Kagami. Yoshi will be playing bass, and Michael and I will be accompanying with guitar and vocals. This demonstration is for a potential strategic alliance partner in Japan who's interested in co-marketing eJamming AUDiiO and wants to experience how the process works.

Below is my list that I gave to Alan that I mentioned earlier:


Installed the software on my MBP at school and set up an account. Setting up the account was easy, and of course the application install was simple.


Once in the lobby, I found it some what simple to navigate, and it was not overwhelming. Some thought on things I would change:

-Setting up preferences is a little slow, and also the navigation around the settings area could be improved. I would change where the “edit” buttons are, and also increase the speed in which it loads each page. There is no loading bar to let you know if the website is working. For instance, I thought I might have broken the upload music and picture section until it popped up that it had finished. Also think that maybe the text is too small for my screen resolution.
-Chat room tabs should have “X’s” on the tabs themselves so you can close out private chats. It took me a sec to find out how to close it out. (Look to Firefox as an example)
-To listen to the music I uploaded, it opened up the browser to have me login again. I didn’t, and I doubt others would too.
-Other languages on the site adds too much clutter. I would make it where the guest user chooses a language at the beginning, and the log in requires a one time check on preference of language.
-Movable, expandable widow panels and chat window. Maybe even a pop out feature so that you can set your chat window to the far side of your screen.
-Colored chat screen so you know what you said, and you know what your friends said, and you know what guest or non-friends said.

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